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Publish a book, change a life.

Leap for Literacy's publishing program is a first-of-it's-kind, author centric program helping kids publish their books for a bright future.

100+ books illustrated

6,000+ books sold

$25,000+ revenue for authors

Our Story Anchor

This is about them and their future.

Leap for Literacy is proud to publish stories of children across the US through our partner program, Share Your Story. We've published almost 100 books for young authors and can't wait for you to hear their stories.

The Leap for Literacy publishing process:

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1. Publish a Book

Your donations help publish new author's books, and keep us on mission as we seek to eradicate childhood literacy.

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2. Empower Their Literacy

Through our unique programs, we're at the forefront of change within young writer's individual lives. Each day provides us new opportunities to use reading and writing as vessels for a new future. 

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3. Change Their Future

A child who can read, write, and has a published book is a child who has a bright future ahead of them. Showing them how to use their learned skills gives them the confidence and inspiration to pursue jobs and careers to change their lives. 

The Cost of Publishing

Each book starts at 

This is our start to finish cost that covers almost everything. From materials, illustration, printing, and all the way to distribution. Each book we publish is the beginning of a bright and promising future for every young author.

*Additional donations can be made to cover the setup and administration costs for Leap for Literacy accrued during the process

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Publishing a young author's book can:

  • Push their financial future in a strong direction

  • Show them the power of entrepreneurship

  • Build confidence in their story and unique voice

  • Empower the new generation of writers and authors

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Our dream for a book fair.

Who remembers when the book fair would come to visit your school? I remember it, it was one of the best days of the year! Our class would line up at the door and walk in a single-file line to the gymnasium. We’d stand on our tippy toes trying to get our first peek at what was inside, and we’d barely be able to contain our excitement when we were finally allowed entry. Before us were thousands of books, chapter books, comic books, picture books - you name it, they had it! If you were one of those students who was fortunate enough to have some money for the book fair, you were not leaving empty handed. 

The book fair is a big part of why Leap for Literacy exists, because as a 2nd grade teacher, Stan Tucker got to see the excitement in his student's eyes when they heard that the book fair was coming to town. He also saw the sadness, disappointment, and shame in the eyes of the students who didn’t have money for the book fair. It was when Stan saw that shame that he knew that he had to do something. He had to find a way to get books to those children.

Fast forward and Leap for Literacy is doing more than getting children stories, we’ve partnered with the Share Your Story program to give children a platform to tell their stories, and as a result, have published over 140 books written by young authors. That’s over 140 children who have first-hand experienced the power of reading, writing, and accomplishing goals.

This is where the dream comes into play. We are going to continue to publish books written by children. We are going to continue to empower children to share their stories, to encourage them to spread kindness, and to inspire them to continue reading and writing.

When we reach 300 published books, we are going to create the first-ever book fair to exclusively feature young authors. We will be making history, and with your contribution, you can be a part of it. Please click below for donation/sponsorship opportunities, and help make this dream a reality.

Our publishing has the right priorities.


Our approach is alwasy author-first. We believe in the next generation of authors and know their careers can start even while they're young


Our costs, compared to a normal publishing house, are lower and more accessible for young authors to see a finished book in their hands. 


We handle the process from start to finish, allowing young authors to see their finished books quicker than they thought possible.

Leap for Literacy

Leap For Literacy is a registered 501(c)(3).

All gifts are tax-deductible.
Email us to request a copy of our most recent 990.


6500 McDonough Drive, Suite A-4

Norcross, GA 30093




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